To provide information about our company overview. Company overview, company policy, adoption information, IR (Invester Relation) information, electronic settlement public notice, privacy policy, other have me for a corporate policy.
→ Company Profile
Our network Division offers information about the network services with the business entity. In the on-premises area, we provide the active directory service. In the data center business area, we provide VPS services, cloud services with the virtualization infrastructure technologies.
→ Network Service
Our Internet sales division offers information about the Alesterra online shop, which deals with Network equipments, server equipments, Sim free equipments and enterprise market for PC parts and devices.
→ Alesterra Online shop
→ Alesterra Amazon Japan Online shop
→ Alesterra Yahoo Japan online shop
Alesterra User support ←Click and check
Alesterra YAHOO! shopping store front ←Click and check
Alesterra Wauma store front ←Click and check
Alesterra Mercali store front ←Click and check
Alesterra eBay store front ←Click and check
Our Business and Goals
AIT (Alesterra International Trading Co.,LTD.) provides you valuable Internet services and products to support your business.
Our mission is to contribute for your business growth.